
*be ecologic

*be ecologic


We know that our planet is hotting up, but why?

Because of the pollution that cars, planes, factory chimneys, ... produce burning gas, oil and coal. The CO2 expelled by these machines, form a layer in the atmosphere that leaves sun rays arrive on the Earth, but do not let them go out, as in a greenhouse. So, the temperature of the Earth increases.

And what happens to the oceans? The animals? The weather?

The water will rease up because the ice of the poles melts. These will be much worse for people, because cities will be flooded, some diseases like malaria will spread because the changing climate favors the mosquito that carries the disease. The weather will get more violent and unpredictable: Hurricanes will become more powerful, deserts increase,.. Lots of animals will get without shelter and their habitats will change.

Some people say that climate change is not really happening. Why?

People who have no respect for the Earth, use lots of fuel, and create lot of CO2 in factories or others facts that make they rich, say that climate change is not really happening because they want to continue without warring for our planet. To avoid these, some scientist of all the world, take a conference in Kyoto and warn other people that climate changing is real.


We can help, it is not really difficult!

We have to help, immediately! There are lot of things we can do to reduce the CO2, save energy... with little effort!

üUsing the car is for us a habit. We use it too much: to go shopping because we don’t want to carry bags, because we are too late to go on foot,... the bus and the underground are less polluting and the bike is nice and quite fast.
üThe thermostat use energy, and we used also when it is not necessary. If you’re cold, wear more clothes and in summer, if you’re hot, go outside in the shade.
ü Organic food is ecology because it don’t need pesticides to grow, and it don’t pollute the Earth.
ü Shop locally have advantages and disadvantages: the food hasn’t been transported from far places but to grow it needed special treatments because it isn’t in his climate.
ü Try to travel in light transports and avoid to use gas guzzling cars, aeroplanes,…
ü Change your car for another smallest and ecology. Drive it slowly and gently.
ü Solar and wind energy are ecology because they don’t expel CO2. Use it!
ü And remember the three Rs! REDUCE (surely you buy more than you need) REUSE (before throwing things think if you can use it more) and RECYCLE (have different bins to separate garbage).
Go shopping with you bag, buy reusable things, reuse plastic bags, bottles, carton boxes,… 





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