the earth is warming up!
The atmospher is warming up the last decades because there is to much carbon dioxide produce by cars,
factories, and burning oil gas and coal going into the atmosphere. All this make a layer that doesn’t allow heat going out.
The warming up of the atmosphere make the pols melt. If the pols meld the penguins will not be able to live there.
Also if the pols meld the water level rises, and some cities can be flooded.
The warmig up make the climate change, and gets more violence and umpredictable. For instance huracans are stronger.
Places that were not hot before are now becoming hot. That makes deseases such as malaria are spreading all over the world
To stop the warming up of the atmosphere we all must reduce the carbon dioxide. Some time agoe there was a conference in Kyoto were most countries agreed to reduce the carbon dioxide.
To reduce it we have to use less the car, use other energies such as solar or wind energy, and recycle, reduce and reuse.
By: Maria Ballester E1E
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