
THE TASMANIAN TIGER (By Maria Ballester)

THE TASMANIAN TIGER (By Maria Ballester)

The Tasmanian Tiger, was a large, carnivorous that is probably extinct.

The Tasmanian Tiger lived in dry eucalyptus forests, wetlands, and grasslands in continental Australia, Tasmania, and New Guinea.

It measured 1,8 meters long, including the tail, and weighed about 30 kg.

This mammal had brown light fur with black stripes along the back, from the top of the tail to the shoulders. The tail was long and stiff.


The Tasmanian Tiger was a carnivore who hunted at night and at dusk and dawn. It ate wallabies, rabbits, sheep, poultry, goats, and other animals. It was a solitary hunter who used its keen sense of smell to find its prey.

Although it wasn’t a fast runner, it had great stamina, and pursued its prey until the victim was exhausted.


Females had a rear-facing pouch in which the tiny immature young lived for many months, drinking the female’s milk.


5 comentarios

Aina Altés -

i like this article because i didn't now that this animal exist. good job Maria!!

Frederic -

Hello Maria, very nice work, well done!

Andreu -

Well done! I enjoy this post very much

maria -

ui m'he equivocat!

maria ballester -

congratulations. you do a good jop!!!

maria the best!!